"The award aims to offer designers the opportunity to experience a “real-life book cover design brief” and winners have the chance to be mentored by one of Penguin's designers. Previously called the Student Design Award, the competition was only open to those studying on any further or higher education course."
- Design Week

Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah, childrens genre.
A book with a collection of poems about specific topics in the world such as social issues and the environment in a comedic tone.
Reading the book to get a better understanding of the issues Zephaniah was covering, taking into account the tone in which he was telling the stories. I wanted to take that into the cover design.

The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells, Adult
Non-fiction genre.
Life after warming covers the consequences of global warming in both a realistic and dramatic point of view.
Listening to the audio book. The key feeling I got from this was desperation. This lead to my outcomes of what desperation looks like combined with the dramatic effect of everyone reaching for the last apple.